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  • v.

    看见( see的第三人称单数 );观看;领会;考虑;

  • 更新时间:2024-06-30 22:21:33
    • 词义辨析
    • see sb/sth to/ -v, see sb/sth v-ing, see sb/sth v-ed
    • see可接以动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语,但意义上有区别:
      1.接动词不定式时表示动作的全过程; 接现在分词只表示动作过程的一部分; 而接过去分词则表示已经完成的动作,含有被动意义。例如:
      I saw her put the key in the lock, turn it and open the door.我看见她把钥匙插进锁眼,转动钥匙,把门打开。
      I saw the train coming into the station.我看见火车开进站来。
      He saw the man knocked down by a car.他看到那男子被汽车撞倒了。
      We saw the sun rise.
      We saw the sun rising behind the trees.
    • see, call, drop in, visit
    • 这组词均有“拜访”之意。它们之间的区别是:
      1.从语气上说:visit是正式用语; call比较正式; drop in则是日常用语,有“顺便”“不定期”的意味; see一般用于亲友间的访问。例如:
      The foreign delegation is visiting in Beijing.外国代表团正在北京访问。
      The Britain Ambassador called on Premier Zhou Enlai yesterday.英国大使昨天拜会了周恩来总理。
      He sometimes drops in to see me in the evening.他有时晚上来看我。
      I'll go to see my parents tomorrow.明天我要去看望父母。
      I visited〔called〕 on the foreign guests yesterday.昨天我走访了外国客人。
      In China, restaurant and hotel kitchens are visited〔called〕 on regularly by officers of public health.在中国,卫生人员经常检查饭店和旅馆的厨房。
      The doctor is out.He went to visit an emergency case.医生不在。他有急病号,出诊去了。
      I shall call on you this afternoon.
      When he visited us last year he told us a story every evening.
      去年他来我们这儿作客时,每晚都给 我们讲一个故事。
      5.社交场合用的“名片”英美说法不同。美国称calling card,英国称visiting card。
    • see, look, watch
    • 这三个词都有“看”的意思。它们的区别是:
      We looked but saw nothing.我们看了,可是什么也没看到。
      They are watching a TV play.他们在看电视剧。