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  • zoned[zəʊnd] adj.划成区域的,束带的;
  • zoner['zəʊnə] n.区域提纯器;
  • zones[zon] n.(划分出来的)地区( zone的名词复数 );区域;气候带;与赤道平行的五个气候带之一;
  • zooid['zəʊɔɪd] n.游动孢子;个员;
  • zooks[zu:ks] int.gadzooks[缩略];
  • zooms[zu:mz] n.嗡嗡声( zoom的名词复数 );隆隆声;(车辆等)疾驰的声音;变焦;
  • zoons[ˈzəuɔnz] v.发育完全的个体( zoon的第三人称单数 );
  • zoril['zɔ:rɪl] n.南非及小亚细亚产类似臭鼬的动物;
  • zowie['zaʊɪ] int.<美>好! 呦(表示激动,热情,赞叹等的感叹词);
  • zymic['zaɪmɪk] adj.发酵的;
  • 一般将来时[yī bān jiāng lái shí] will do; future indefinite
  • 一般过去时[yī bān guò qù shí] past indefinite
  • 一问三不知[yī wèn sān bù zhī] deny all knowledge of an event;be entirely ignorant;not knowing a thing;shake one's head in answer to all quesions ;
  • 万能遥控器[wàn néng yáo kòng qì] universal remote;universal remote control
  • 三岛由纪夫[sān dǎo yóu jì fū] mishima yukio;
  • 上帝的羔羊[shàng dì de gāo yáng] The Lamb of God;AGNUS DEI
  • 个人养老金[gè rén yǎng lǎo jīn] Personal pension;personal pensions
  • 个人所得税[gè rén suǒ dé shuì] [经] income tax for individuals;individual income tax;personal income tax ;
  • 中国共产党[zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng] the Communist Party of China
  • 中英文翻译[zhōng yīng wén fān yì] Chinese and English translation
  • 乘法口诀表[chéng fǎ kǒu jué biǎo] 名 multiplication table ;Table;
  • 二十一世纪[èr shí yī shì jì] Twenty-First Century; Twenty-First Centry Bimonthly
  • 二十四节气[èr shí sì jié qì] the 24 solar terms; the twenty-four solar terms
  • 五四青年节[wǔ sì qīng nián jié] Youth Day; the May 4 Youth Day
  • 五天工作制[wǔ tiān gōng zuò zhì] five-day workweek
  • 人名姓氏表[rén míng xìng shì biǎo] Name of person
  • 人类性行为[rén lèi xìng háng wéi] human sexuality;sexual behavior;Sexual Behavior in the Human Male;human sexual behavior
  • 令人满意的[líng rén mǎn yì de] [法] satisfactory;famous ;
  • 你来自哪里[nǐ lái zì nǎ lǐ ] Where do you come from;where are you from
  • 保时捷卡宴[bǎo shí jié qiǎ yàn] Cayenne;Porsche Cayenne;cayenne turbo;porsche
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