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  • n.


  • v.


  • bear
  • 更新时间:2024-06-30 22:20:43
    • 词义辨析
    • abide,bear, endure, put up with, stand, suffer, tolerate
    • 这几个词(组)共同的意思是“忍受”或“容忍”。它们的区别是:
      1.bear和stand主要指对饥寒、疼痛、不幸、损失、困难和侮辱等的忍受或承受; endure主要指对重大灾祸和困难的长时间地忍受; tolerate主要指容忍和自己的愿望相反的事; put up with指容忍某些不愉快的或有轻微伤害的事情;abide既指忍受自身的痛苦,也指容忍他人的行为。例如:
      He can stand more pain than anyone else.他比任何人更能忍受痛苦。
      You must be ready to endure hardships and even death.你必须准备忍受艰苦,甚至死亡。
      The teacher cannot tolerate eating in the class.老师不容许在课堂上吃东西。
      There're many inconveniences that have to be put up with when you're camping.在你露营时,有很多不便之处须忍受。
      You'll have to abide by the consequence.你将必须忍受其后果。
      I can't abide loud noise.我无法忍受大声吵闹。
      2.bear多用于强调忍受的能力,不太强调其态度; endure则强调默默地、无怨言地忍受,但不屈服; stand强调自我约制、经受得起、不屈不挠; suffer侧重于表示无可奈何、无能为力的状态; tolerate强调宽恕和耐力;abide强调耐心和顺从。例如:
      She endures all her troubles bravely.她勇敢地忍受着种种不幸。
      She couldn't stand being kept waiting.她不能忍受别人让她等候。
      He suffered a great deal from cold and hunger.他备受饥寒交迫之苦。
      They happily tolerated the existence of opinions contrary to their own.他们以愉快的心情容许反对意见的存在。
      I had to abide by the consequence.我不得不忍耐这种结果。
      3.suffer指不是出于自己的主观意志,而是被动、不随主观意志的动作; 而其余各词(组)则与之相反,表示出自己主观意志的动作。例如:
      He suffered the humiliation of being forced to resign.他蒙受了被迫辞职的羞辱。
      I cannot put up with your behaviour any longer.我再也不能忍受你的行为了。
      I won't tolerate your bad manners any longer.我再也不能忍受你的无礼。
      I can't stand his boasting.我受不了他的自吹自擂。
      I can't endure his suffering.我不忍看他受苦。
      I can't abide rude people.我不能容忍粗鲁之人。
      4.abide,bear, stand和endure多用于否定句, put up with可用于否定句,也可用于肯定句。bear是个普通用语,而stand和put up with多用于口语中。put up with是非正式用法, endure比bear和stand更正式,语气较强。
    • bear, produce, turn out, yield
    • 这四个词(组)的意思相近,都表示“生产出”。它们的区别是:
      bear表示“产仔或结果实”,可引申指“再生产”; produce的用法更广,可指生产一切有形的或无形的东西; yield也表示生产,但强调结果与回报,而不是所做的努力; turn out强调结果,但同时还侧重先前付出的劳动与艰辛。例如:
      The soil bears good cotton.
      Gas can be produced from coal.
      His business yields big profits.
      This factory can turn out 100 cars a day.
    • bear on〔upon〕, apply, belong to, pertain to, relate to
    • 这五个词(组)的意思相近,都表示“有联系”。它们的区别是:
      bear on〔upon〕强调直接联系和前者的重要作用; relate to强调二者的紧密和一致,侧重相互的影响; pertain to侧重在实践中或思想方面,强调联系的必要性和关系的紧密; belong to强调前者和不可分割的部分, apply通常强调前者对后者的解释、描述。例如:
      This problem bears on the interests of the labour.
      The cost relates directly to the amount of time spent on the job.
      Any inquiries pertaining to the granting of planning permission should be ad- dressed to the Town Hall.
      一切有关发放计划许可证的询问应该 向市政厅提出。
      What party do you belong to?
      This rule does not apply in your particular case.
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      用于canˈt bear,意为“不能忍受”,其后接不定式或动名词均可:I canˈt bear living[to live]alone.一个人独居我受不了。2.表示“出生”时,用be born,其他过去分词用borne:He was borne by an English woman.他是一个英国妇女生的。


      bear oneself举止,表现;为人处事

      bear in mind vi.记住;考虑到

      bear market熊市;空头市场;卖空市场

      polar bear北极熊